You would like to purchase by the hour, no problem our hourly rate are $60 per hour
Membership and Package pricing is discounted further from the hourly rate
We will be in constant communication and in agreement on how hours are to be used.
Package hours remained banked for 3 months, Memberships remained banked for 1 month
We will send monthly written statements showing exactly how your hours are used

© 2023 Personal Concierge Service, Tish Hansen.
Tish Hansen, Personal Concierge Tel: 416-434-1717 E:
Areas: Dufferin, Halton, Peel, Wellington , surrounding areas
(including Brampton, Bolton, Caledon, Erin, Georgetown, Mississauga, Orangeville)
Services after business hours/weekends may be available by appointment only and if available with different rates