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A New Year,Filled With New Opportunities and Maybe, A Few Changes Too!

Usually around this time of year, people start thinking about resolutions and goals. The new year is a chance to embrace new opportunities and to think about ways to change, enhance and improve our lives. Even though this year has started a little differently for many of us, I would argue that our current “work from home” and “lockdown lifestyle” actually presents no better time to adapt a more stress free, clutter free and organized home environment. Are resolutions and goals the same thing? If they’re different, how? In today’s blog, we’re sharing our thoughts on the new year and some tips and tools on how to start thinking about changes that really will change your life!

First, let’s address the issue of a resolution vs. a goal. It’s a fairly well known phenomenon that resolutions often get ditched after just a short period of time. In fact, did you know that January 17th is National Ditch Resolutions Day?

Perhaps that’s because a resolution is defined as:

“a firm decision to do or not to do something.”

On the other hand, a goal is something much more clearly defined.

It’s “an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve.

People endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.” Looks like there’s a reason resolutions get ditched while goals get done! Goals are more defined and have time lines attached! If you’re taking these first few weeks to think about ways to change your life, and you’ve learned throughout this pandemic about the value of family and health, then to start, you might want to set some goals instead of resolutions.

Things to consider when you’re considering change:


  • The new year is a perfect time to do some thorough decluttering. If your holiday celebration included a Christmas tree and lots of other seasonal décor, you’re actually being handed a golden opportunity to do some organizing! Sure it might not seem that way and it will involve some work, but while you’re taking down the décor for example you can clean up and reorganize your storage space. As well, before putting your “regular”" tchotckes" back out on display think about: Do I love it? Do I need it? Now is the time for you to pare down the items that clutter up the visual landscape. Too much of anything, even treasured favourites, collect dust, take up space and don’t serve a useful purpose. With the way our homes have been turned in to schools and workplaces over the past year, clean and simple spaces with easy access to the tools we really need to have on hand just makes good sense.

Change your space – change your outlook. Think “Zones.”

  • Maintaining focus when working or studying from home means now is an excellent opportunity to think about your space in a new way. Create clearly defined zones in your home, dedicated to just one activity. Schoolwork takes place at a desk or table dedicated to that task and not in the same room as the TV that could be an easily accessed distraction. Your office space should also be a separate zone and even if space is at a premium, never put the office in the bedroom! You need to maintain some separation of space otherwise visible piles of work will interfere with sleep patterns and mental health. There’s nothing worse than falling asleep to an overflowing inbox and seeing it first thing upon waking up.

Set Routines:

  • Part of any goal-setting strategy for the year should include a commitment to how you spend your time. With everything happening under one roof, the workday often blurs with family time and perhaps family time extends into what used to be your scheduled work out. It’s time to get your time back with a schedule! The temptation is to avoid routine when there is no actual schedule to keep but that’s all the more reason to have one. Schedules ensure that you WILL still reach your goal of getting back into a fitness routine and get to the gym, even if the gym is in your basement. Schedules will allow everyone to stay on task knowing when breaks for a walk or playtime outside will take place and help to ensure things like planning and preparing nutritious meals rather than take out! (We’re talking more about that in our next blog so stay tuned!) Schedules will help you stay organized and on track.

You’re busy and thE Concierge understands!

We’re in the business of helping busy people cope.

Don’t start the new year with resolutions that will be ditched in just a few days time. Set goals instead. Give some serious consideration to the new year as a time to embrace change but changes that will last because they are clearly defined. These are changes you’ve made both the physical and mental space for, and because you’ve established a schedule and routine, success is practically guaranteed!

If you’d like to know more about how thE Concierge can give you added peace of mind toward achieving your goals – send us an email or give us a call. We can help.

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