Summer’s behind us, and School is in session – it might be time to declutter! Many of us approach the change of seasons as an opportunity to really dig in and clean out the closets and cupboards and perhaps the biggest change of all arrives each September with the start of school! There are new back to school clothes to sort out, new shoes to wear and probably a backpack or two that still had a leftover, mouldy sandwich inside so the whole darn backpack needs to be replaced! That’s not all. No doubt, as children do, the kids grew over the summer, stretching out in some places and filling in in others. If you’re like most families, summer was a time of “making do” in shorts, t-shirts and bathing suits and perhaps even tossing things that were damaged, torn or outgrown to the back of the closet to be dealt with when the weather got cooler. Well now it’s time and thE Concierge can help. Six Tips for a successful start to the school year! Getting organized is one of the key tools parents can use for a successful start to the school year. A sense of calm is established when there is a “place for everything and everything is in place.” No searching through piles of shoes for the pair that actually fits and clothes neatly hung in closets – perhaps even sorted by pants, shirts and sweaters – make it simple for even the littlest members of the household to get themselves dressed in the morning. If this all sounds like a dream but not your reality, you might want to consider investing in your own sanity, your own peace of mind and in your own and your children’s future school success by investing in the services of thE Concierge. No – really! It’s not too much of a stretch to say that less stress overall leads to better chances of success and don’t we all want our children to be successful? Consider these tips: Declutter: Start with a closet clean-out of the kid’s bedrooms. Pass along to the next child any outgrown items still in good condition. Toss anything with rips and tears that can’t be fixed or donated and while you’re at it, clean out those drawers too. Consider drawer organizers for kids of all ages, especially for items like underwear and socks and tights that often end up a jumbled mess in the drawer. Imagine opening a drawer, reaching in and being able to access exactly what you need – easily and instantly. I know it would put a smile on my face and ease the frustration of sorting through a messy pile just to get dressed each morning. Eliminate running from room to room as your kids cry out, “I can’t find it….” whatever “it” is. Sure it involves time and effort up front but the time and sanity savings later is SO worth it. Donate: Involve your child(ren) in the decision making process and help them learn the value of both giving and receiving. Donating good, clean items in wearable condition helps others get a fresh start on the school year too. Now is as good a time as any to clean out the toy chest too. When you are done sorting and out purchasing some back to school fall clothing shopping, consider also (if your budget permits) buying a few supplies or a new backpack to add to your clothing donation so another child can also experience the thrill of something new for school. Sort: When I talk about sorting this has to do with taking some time not only to clean out the closets but to sort them too. It’s so much easier – trust us – when closets are sorted by the style of clothing and everything is within easy reach. Pants hung together, shirts grouped by short or long sleeved and sweaters hung similarly all make grabbing co-ordinated items from the closet so much easier. Push dress clothing that isn’t worn quite as often toward the back of the closet and leave the items worn most frequently within easy reach. For younger children, consider installing a second, lower hanging closet rail that enables them to choose their own clothing because it’s within reach. Select in advance: Much like meal planning, involve the kids in checking the weather at bedtime and planning for the next day’s wardrobe. Lay out the clothes in advance so that if anyone is a little tired, grumpy or you’re running late – no “tough” decisions about what to wear add to the morning stress. Maybe this sounds like a “no-brainer” but with friends who have kids in schools with uniforms, they’ll tell you that eliminating clothing choices can add significantly valuable time to other morning activities like ensuring a healthy breakfast before the bus arrives! Kid Approved Cupboards & Fridge: We made reference to this advice last year at this time but it’s worth repeating. Make your life easier by pre-stocking “kid-approved” baskets in the fridge and/or cupboard. It will help make snack times and the after school munchies a little easier to manage. No permission required because if it’s in the basket, you’ve already determined it’s a good snack! School Supplies: Take this last piece of advice from a parent who has “been there and done that.” This tip isn’t just about getting some new crayons or highlighters for school. This is about thinking longer term. At some point in the school year, with the clock ticking and the stores closed, your kid is going to come to you with a project outline in hand and state that they unequivocally need glue, popsicle sticks, the makings of home-made clay and some felt and pipe cleaners to make a 3D scale model diorama of a zoo. Even if you’re not the craftiest of people, having a few craft supplies on hand is always a good idea, whether that’s for rainy days or a school project. You should also have some Bristol board. Trust me, you should ALWAYS have some Bristol board. Of course all of this great advice is, well….great! But who has the time? Who is THAT organized? The answer of course is that we are. At thE Concierge, it’s our mission in life to bring balance to your life. We help restore order in the chaos, streamline your ability to manage home, work, school and all the extras, and we make it easy and affordable too. Even if the start of the school year was a bit rocky – perhaps your family is still undecided about homeschooling or in-person attendance – it’s not too late for a fresh start. Our team can help you with both small and/or large scale organization and decluttering projects around the home, or give you the gift of time to do things your own way by taking other projects and household tasks off your To Do list. Visit our website, call or email thE Concierge and ask us more about how we can help you restore order AND BALANCE to your life with the gift of time – our time – dedicated to your tasks.
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