Between the lakes and the ski hills, the Headwaters area…& Peel, Dufferin, Wellington Halton all offer wonderful 2nd home opportunities… If you are one of the approximately one in ten Canadians who enjoy a second “home away from home,” but perhaps not all of the work that comes with it, consider a concierge service to help you manage your first – and your second – home with ease. The truth is, anyone with any kind of vacation property from a four-bedroom cottage on the lake to an RV or trailer in a gated community mobile home park, there’s just as much work to be done at your “holiday home” as there is in your primary place of residence. If you spend more time working than relaxing, it’s time to do things differently and we can help. A Concierge can take care of: Cleaning, Prepping and Stocking
Whether a cabin in the woods or virtual castle on the waterfront, closing up the place last winter will have resulted in a stale, musty and dusty spring re-opening. We can take care of cleaning services and re-opening your summer home, ensuring everything is in good working order before you arrive.
If you’ve already done the re-opening and guests are headed your way, call us in for clean up services and prepping and stocking for your own family needs as well as those of your invited (and surprise) guests.
We can shop for all the staples, ensure you have the things you might not think of, like dishcloths and dishtowels or pantry staples like flour, sugar or yeast in case the urge to bake or enjoy a wood fired pizza strikes mid-season.
Speaking of pots and pans, are you fully equipped? At home we take things for granted but we’ll make a list and check it twice to be sure you have all you need for cooking, the bbq and yes, even for baking.
Shopping for Special Occasions
Life still happens even when you are at your second home but if you are three hours (and/or) a boat ride away, shopping for birthday gifts, special celebrations like Canada Day or a special anniversary are all a little more challenging. Even items from an LCBO might mean a lot of pre-planning and effort.
You can use a service like thE Concierge to do all of this planning and shopping for you and we’ll arrange for delivery too.
Booking Services, Planning Maintenance Work
Let’s face it, the unexpected does happen. A sump pump backs up, a boat motor is flooded or a storm swept through and a couple of trees now look like they’d be better off as firewood for everyone’s safety. We can conduct pre-season maintenance checks on all your systems, book for gutter clean out if the debris from winter is piled high, take care of a loose shutter or arrange arborist services when needed.
If you are only at your second home on weekends, hire thE Concierge to take care of any issues midweek so you don’t waste any of your own valuable downtime on the weekends.
A concierge service that supports your second home lifestyle doesn’t have to just be a summer project. We can support you through fall clean up and closing, winter snow and ice maintenance check ups and we can even help with all your second home related paperwork, Yes we do that too! In fact, ask us just about anything, there’s a good chance thE Concierge can help. After all, isn’t your “home away from home” supposed to be for relaxing and recharging? Let us take care of keeping the batteries going.