Always a busy, and pretty much full time task, add in a pandemic and home schooling and all the various plot twists we’ve collectively experienced over the past two years... thE Concierge team would politely suggest that managing a household effectively and efficiently is on p ar with leading a corporation through these challenging times! If you are managing a household and career these days, recruiters should be knocking on your office door!
Now that we are re-opening and sports and after school activities resume, it’s even more important to understand there’s no reason you need to do it alone.
What is Household Management?
It could be that when you think of a service like thE Concierge, your thoughts turn to the big jobs that need to get done around the house like reorganizing all the kitchen cupboards or the linen and bedroom closets. We do that!
But we are also able to help you with a variety of daily tasks that we would place under the category of household management. These are tasks that need to be done, but also tasks that many of us are finding increasingly challenging to fit into our busy schedules.
They might include:
Grocery Shopping – Come home to your groceries not only done and delivered but also put away for you too!
Bulk Shopping - Heading into a big box store to restock your pantry or load up on essentials such as toilet paper and paper towel can be overwhelming. Let us handle the crowds and personally deliver everything you need right to your front door.
Miscellaneous Errands – These are the daily tasks that take up so much time. There is no such thing as a “quick” run to pick up a prescription, drop off the dry cleaning or to complete an exchange for clothing you ordered online. Everything takes time and when you’re returning from a busy day at work, have a hockey practice to take your kid to and also homework to complete it pushes “errands” farther down your “To Do” list. Before you know it, your weekend is devoted to doing everything you didn’t do through the week! Make a list and give it to us!
At thE Concierge, task completion is what we do all day long!
Car Servicing – YES, we’ll take your car for an oil change, a minor tune-up or to get that cracked windshield you’ve been squinting through replaced. What a game changer. No more trying to arrange a ride from the dealership or dropping off your car late at night or getting an Uber to work. We can schedule the appointment, take your vehicle and wait while the work is done and maybe even it bring it back clean after a trip through the car wash!
Special Events Services – From three year olds to thirtieth anniversary celebrations, let’s face it, planning a special birthday, picking up a gift, ordering the cake or arranging loot bags for little ones, these are a myriad of little tasks that all take up a lot of time. Have thE Concierge team do the work for you. We can shop, pick up and deliver, even prepare the invitations and do the decorating too.
We could continue to list the services we offer or you could pick up the phone and give us a call. You can ask us just about anything and there’s a pretty good chance it’s a task we can take off your busy hands and complete for you.
We’re currently offering a “Spring Sweet Home” special with three hours of concierge time at a very affordable price. Talk to us about how we can help you manage your household tasks and make your life easier!
Be the “Boss” you are! You deserve the peace of mind!