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thE Concierge

Back to School interfering with Back to Work? We Can Help!

The year 2020 has been fraught with anxiety for just about everyone. Some people talk about the “new normal” while others think about “returning to normal,” whatever that “normal” might be! Regardless of what “normal” looks like for your family, it’s likely that a return to school – whether online or in person – is adding to any anxiety you are already feeling. If back to school is interfering with your back to work plans, we can help!

Ever wish you had more time?

thE Concierge exists specifically to help you manage your “normal.” With parents everywhere under stress from countless sources, now having to manage getting children to and from school safely, making lunches, navigating homework, mask-wearing/washing and revised school schedules, it doesn’t leave a lot of time for all the other work that needs to get done around the home and office. If, on the other hand, you’ve elected to home-school your child or assist with online learning, you’ve now taken on the task of teacher in addition to your work and home responsibilities. Once again, you’re probably facing a time deficit for all that other mundane stuff like work, housework, meal prep and grocery shopping. Any way you “slice” it – you’re pressed for time and that’s why thE Concierge exists – to help give you TIME.

You do school – we’ll do the errands!

thE Concierge offers an array of services to help give you time to do what matters most, whether that’s helping your child with school or getting back into a regular work schedule. We do that by completing your grocery shopping, running errands, picking up, wrapping and even delivering gifts for any occasion or planning special recognition programs for your hardworking (at home or in the office) employees. For some folks, even the thought of having to venture out, wear a mask or maintain social distancing is a struggle. Anxiety can get the best of us under normal circumstances and these current times are far from normal! Perhaps, in addition to helping the kids with school, you are helping a senior family member or managing someone with a fragile medical condition. Not only is this a time burden but also, you may not wish to leave the house too often – or be able to do so – so why not invite thE Concierge to help get things done for you.

Experts agree that it might be quite some time before we return to any sense of “normal,” whatever that means for your family. At thE Concierge however, if we can help establish at least a small sense of normality for you by shouldering some of the day-to-day responsibilities that help keep families grounded and centered, we’re happy to provide assistance. Consider reaching out and booking a call to discuss how we can support your family. We might not be able to do your child’s math homework but we can help you work from home together with your child while we do everything else!

Final Thoughts – When it comes to “Back to School” – Here is what we think “Normal” means………

1. Doing what is right for your family and in your circumstances. No one understands your family’s needs better than you!

2. If your child(ren) are returning to school, normalize wearing a mask. Spend several hours daily helping them acclimatize to mask wearing, not touching their face and understanding proper hand sanitizing.

3. If your children are not returning to in person learning, start adjusting their schedules now to help them slowly begin adhering to a new online learning schedule. Wherever possible, make it similar to their school-attending friends so that time off for play and downtime is similar!

4. Determining a dedicated learning space where learning is the only thing that happens - even the smallest of spaces will do, provided your child(ren) associates that space with schoolwork.

5. Whether at school or at home – make lunch and nutrition breaks enticing. By planning ahead (or letting us do that for you) mealtime can be enjoyable by adding variety, colour and texture to the lunchbox!

6. Establishing routine and structure – one again whether at home or at school, children crave routine and let’s face it, we haven’t had much of that lately. Set snack times, set bedtimes and set times for play and learning are all important.

7. Attitude is everything! Don’t let your worries show if you can help it. Children will pick up on your signals. If you’re heading out the door for the in class experience, express excitement not concern. If you’re staying at home, help them understand the importance of teamwork and your confidence in them that together you will succeed!

8. We all need help once in awhile. Normal means it’s ok to ask for it. Engage your spouse, your family members, or ask a trusted neighbour for support and ALWAYS zoom call your girlfriends when it all gets to be a bit too much! OR, give thE Concierge a call!

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